Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

What Is Love? What Does It Mean To Say I Love You Versus I'M In-Love With You?

What is love?

I think love is a commitement between two people. Trust, communication, closeness and mental & physical attraction are the bridge to developing a strong connection and building a relationship. Many people would argue that love is a feeling and it is.

There are actually different kinds of love. The one I'm talking about above is real love, which is also called mature love. Romantic love is more of a mixture of strong feelings of mental or physical attraction and a strong feeling of caring for the well being and safety of another.

People can feel romantic love for a long time, but it typically only lasts for 2 years. That doesn't mean that people cannot fall romantically in-love with each other again many times throughout their relationship, but it's important to understand that romantic love is more of a chemical thing that mother nature uses to make sure we make babies, and we should not expect those feelings when we first met to be there all the time. Romantic love is just too intense to sustain indefinitely.

It's completely normal for your romantic feelings to change. Sometimes you may feel very passionate and other times you may feel more like a best friend and that's completely normal, because every relationship goes through phases. That's why its so important to have a strong friendship. Sometimes you will want to be closer and other times you'll want to feel more independent. The main things that will influence your romantic connection with your partner are stress, trust and mental & physical attraction.

Stress is the number one reason why couples fall out of romantic love in less than 2 years, but they can get it back by removing the stress and rebuilding their connection. However, this requires you to rebuild trust with your partner and forgive them for their mistakes. After all, we are all human and there is no one that doesn't make mistakes or piss off their partner. There are lots of examples of people who are happily married, yet each partner does things that are irritating to the other person. The important thing is learning from your mistakes, taking responsibility, and remaining optimistic about your life and your partner.

This is why coping with stress and really listening to your partner are the most important things in any relationship. Everything is great when people are happy; when long term stress enters the picture, the romance dies.

People cope with stress in a variety of ways: by avoiding stressful situations, changing jobs, changing friends, and changing their lifestyle. In most cases, people are happier when they make small changes in life; big changes typically make people less happy than they were when they thought they needed to make a big change, and it's very common for things to not go as expected and then be unhappy about that too. The key is to manage your stress before it becomes overwhelming and effects your relationships and your self esteem.

Different ways of dealing with stress include: sleep, meditation, positive self talk, power naps, exercise, tanning, chocolate, massage, jumping in the spa, small amounts of OTC meds like asperin or tylenol, getting out into nature on a nice day, physical intimacy, good food, laughing, smiling, talking to people about what's bothering you, playing with your pet (especially puppies), giving and receiving physical affection, talking to people that are in a good mood, anything that would make you feel better about yourself and anything that would bring back postive memories that would make you feel better.

All these things essentially distract your mind and body from the things that were bothering you to let them recharge and feel rested. Over time you can forget or at least become desensitized to any traumatic experience (through counseling, time and sleep, or sharing what happened with someone that is emotionally supportive); the hard part is not letting that trauma affect how you react in negative ways. This is called emotional baggage or emotional scars; and, almost everyone has them if they were in a relationship that didn't work out or had traumatic experiences in their life.

The number one barrier to loving and developing a strong connection with another person is trust, which means sometimes you have to make a leap of faith, open up, and let yourself be vulnerable to the person you love. If you don't take a risk by trusting your partner, even when they make mistakes, you are dooming yourself and your relationship to failure.

There should also be a healthy balance between work, sleep, personal time, time with your significant other and time with your family and friends. It's okay if things overlap as long as it doesn't create additional stress. If you notice that you're spending way to much time driving, working, playing games or watching tv, then it would be a good idea to find a way to restore balance in your life.

The best way to manage stress is to prevent it and not set unrealistic expectations of yourself or the people in your life. You'll notice that people won't irritate you or make you angry as much if you truly accept them for who they are, with all their faults, and really understand them. Being judgemental, critical or setting unreasonable expectations is a quick way to mess up any relationship by making your partner feel uncomfortable.

People will change if they want to, but only if they are willing and believe the change will benefit them. Bad habits typically take two months to completely break, and people quickly become overwhelmed when they are expected to change too many things at once. Remember that building a great relationship takes time and a lot of open communication. Sometimes the easiest way to help a person change their habits is to change their environment or the aspects of it that trigger the bad habit. It's unrealistic for a person to change more than 1-4 habits in any two month period depending on how compulsive the person is, their ability to monitor themselves all day, and how difficult the habit is to change. In some cases they may need someone to help them consistently because they won't realize that they're doing it. Just remember, we can change how we behave to fit in and meet social expectations, but we cannot change who we are unless our values change priority.

Sometimes people have to realize that everyone is different for a reason and those differences make us stronger in some areas and weaker in others. This is just like valueing diversity in the workplace, except we're valueing diversity in our friendships and relationships. The important thing is that we learn from each other and value our differences without trying to change others against their will. This is why it's really important to listen to people and not think you already have it or them all figured out.

What does it mean to say "I love you"

I love you can mean I care about you deeply or I'm falling in-love with you, so they feel comfortable saying it. It could also mean I'm in-love with you, which is totally different. Often when someone tells you they love you for the first time or even the hundredth time, it means that they care about you a lot; it rarely means they are in-love with you unless they don't really understand their own emotions and they're confusing romantic love with real love. In other words, there is no reason to freak out just because someone says I love you and it hasn't been that long since you started being boyfriend and girlfriend. Intimacy makes people bond a lot faster and develop feelings for each other. Just don't be afraid to ask questions and be honest.

If you read the beginning of this article, I mentioned that real love is a high level of commitement and trust in another person. It's possible to give that level of commitement to someone in a short period of time, but it wouldn't be wise unless you did a lot of thinking from a very objective and analytical point of view to really know that they are the right person for you.

When is I love you too much?

It's too much when your partner isn't reciprocating your feelings, and saying it all the time even though your feelings may be strong isn't necessarily a good thing because your partner may think you're insincere about how you really feel. If you notice your partner is getting overwhelmed with emotion, mellow out and apply the breaks on what you say. Usually good times and friendly communication can get them to open up to you again as long as you didn't go too far.

What does it mean to be in-love?

Being in-love with someone is more than just loving them; it's a serious commitement and a level of faith that few people are willing to give. The best way to describe it is having a very strong connection and feelings for another person to the extent that you would do almost anything for them. You would protect them if that meant putting your life in danger, put them first above all others, and treat them like they are a part of your family. You think of them all the time unless you're really busy, and you are willing to put them first, compromise by doing things that you may not want to do and do almost anything to help them or avoid losing them.

(ArticlesBase SC #404839)

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/dating-articles/what-is-love-what-does-it-mean-to-say-i-love-you-versus-im-inlove-with-you-404839.html#ixzz17f0D7GUv
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Guys Like Girls With These Four Features

Posted: Mar 15, 2007 |Comments: 1 | Views: 3,619 |

Do you know what four features men find most attractive in women? You may think it is four physical features in how women look that guys like, and though the outward presentation may draw him to her, that is not what keeps him there.

Feature #1: Energy

Guys like girls with energy that is upbeat, confident, and nurturing. Nurturing is feminine and that is the energy that a guy cannot resist. If you laugh a lot, like to get out and do things, enjoy cooking and keeping a nesty home, and are confident in yourself and your work, it doesn't matter what you look like. If you have a sense of humor and a heart of forgiveness; and if you understand boundaries and don't let people take advantage of you, your energy is magnetizing! Your positive energy allows you to see the good in others and to give compliments freely and honestly. You could look like Godzilla but it doesn't matter: guys cannot stay away from you.

Feature #2: Handled Baggage

Guys like girls to come to a date with their baggage handled. If they have to spend more than 20 per cent of their time listening to your problems, and how some jerk did you wrong, they don't want to be there. Bring your old relationships to a satisfying completion. Mend fences, tell others goodbye, and deal with your unfinished business. Problem issues from your past, known as baggage, will weigh you down. Whatever you haven’t cleaned up or cleaned out, you will carry with you. A strong foundation is one where you have mourned your losses, let go of destructive people, asked for forgiveness, and forgiven others.

Feature #3: Handle Your Money

Guys like girls who are "grown up" and have handled their money, which shows they are not trolling for a sugar daddy. This is the feature that many singles want to skip over and find someone else to handle for them. Handle your money problems, once and for all. Get your career on track, pay your debts before you spend for anything else, and live BELOW your means. Until you do this, you are not ready to be a partner for anyone. To further put this feature in place, look for ways to earn more and spend less.

Feature #4: Values

Finally, guys like to date girls who have values. What characteristics do you value the most in others? Is it loyalty, honesty, humor, kindness, or fairness? Whatever you find most important, if you are not honoring that quality in your own life, you will never be happy. Usually, when people are stuck in their lives and can’t figure out why they do not feel totally fulfilled, they have to search for the missing value. I have a client who was miserable in her life. After months of discussion, she finally revealed that she was trying to ignore the evidence that her boyfriend was not honest at his job. She was conflicted in her feelings for him and the way he avoided answering any questions about his business. She was emotionally crumbling under the weight of living with someone who was not honest.

The truth about values is that you may think you can ignore what you really believe in, but when you do, you will never feel quite right in your life. There will be this nagging, nagging little voice that constantly hovers around you and whispers in your ear, reminding you that something is wrong.

These are the four features that will have guys lined up at your door to date you: your positive energy, your baggage handled, your finances in order, and good strong values. When you have these in order, all you have to do is get out there and let them know you. When you have the four features listed above--you can have your pick!

Visit http://www.tonjaweimer.com or http://www.singlesdatingtips.com for more tips, skills, and insight on dating, relationships, singles, and love. Subscribe to our F*ree Savvy Dating Newsletter from master single's coach, life coach, and syndicated columnist, Tonja Weimer. Copyright 2006, Tonja Weimer. (Please note source if reprinting this article.)

(ArticlesBase SC #116750)

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/dating-articles/guys-like-girls-with-these-four-features-116750.html#ixzz17ezgHLyL
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Do You Know How to Kiss a Girl?

It's often said that a woman will judge a man as a sexual partner by the first kiss they share!

If a guy can give her a sensual, electric filled kiss, she'll start to wonder what he'll be like "in the sack". Furthermore, a well done kiss can quickly alter a woman's perception of a guy. In other words, he'll go from a dud to stud in no time!

That's why knowing how to kiss a girl is one of the most important skills that a guy can learn.

The problem with most men is they think they've already mastered the art of kissing. Many of them think their past experience with women makes them a master at kissing. But the truth is a lot of girls think that most of the guys they've kissed do not live up to their expectations.

So statistically speaking you probably need to learn how to kiss a girl.

The good news is learning how to kiss a girl is actually a fairly simple process. All you have to follow a simple formula which has been proven to work for hundreds of years.

It works like this...

First you should establish contact with her.

Jumping into a kiss without establishing any sort of body contact will end up surprising her. The best way to prepare her for a kiss is to touch her during your conversation. Whether it's her arm, shoulder or hair, touching her will do wonders for building attraction.

The next step is to get rid of any nervousness or tension.

If you've been talking to a girl for awhile, you can tell if she wants to be kissed. Usually she'll give you cues like maintaining eye contact or looking at your lips. When you see these signs, it means she wants to be kissed!

Since you see indicators which show she wants to be kissed, don't feel nervous! By demonstrating signs of interest, she's practically guaranteeing she won't reject your attempt to kiss her.

When you see signs of interest, don't hesitate! Go for the kiss!

You should lock eyes with her, angle your head, and then slowly move towards her. If you've read her signals right, she'll move towards you and the two of you will start to kiss.

Now once you're kissing her, it's important to start slowly and be gentle at first. While you might want to build passion and intensity, it's critical that you avoid jumping the gun and jamming your tongue down her throat.

By starting out in a slow sensual manner, you'll be able to build up an incredible amount of intensity which can be used later. As your kissing progresses, you can try open mouthed kisses and a little bit of tongue. A simple trick is to read her signals and follow what she wants.

The last step is to take the time to experiment and find out what she wants.

Try varying the intensity and kiss her in different places. This can mean her face, neck and the upper part of her chest. As you do this, you'll start to notice her reactions will be much more passionate.

Knowing how to kiss a girl is an important step to developing a *hot and heavy* encounter. If you take the time to build up intensity, it'll be easy to move beyond kissing into a more intimate scenario.

(ArticlesBase SC #81412)

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/dating-articles/do-you-know-how-to-kiss-a-girl-81412.html#ixzz17ezMSB9J
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How to Get the Man of Your Dreams and Romance Your Way Into His Heart

1) Romance a man by being supportive, know your role. This is easy romance tip to get your man. Relationships should balance each other out. If he spends too much time working, don't bother him about taking time off or forcing him to spend time with you. Most of the time if he comes home from a long day of work he wants to relax and let loose. Don't ask him about work unless he brings it up first. A simple "how was your day" is enough. It's not about the quantity of time you spend with him, its about the "quality" of time you spend with him. If he has goals, be by his side no matter what. If he fails, encourage him to try it again. Do not give him the feeling that you're holding him back from fulfilling his true potential in life.

2) Romance a man by being confident, show it. Men do not like insecure women. The best way to Romance a Man. If he tells you that you're beautiful be humble about it and show appreciation but don't melt in his hands over a simple compliment because he will learn to take advantage of that. Being around a woman with a high self-esteem is a privilege for most men. But, do not overpower that quality as you might come off as intimidating to most men. When the time is right, your man will propose a commitment to you when he feels ready. If you try to rush him, you're just going to scare him away for good. Be emotionally grounded, don't live a roller coaster type of life. Men want someone stable to take along his journey in life. Never act like a "Drama Queen" in front of him.

3) Romance a man by being classy, act with proper manners. It's the way you dress, the way you carry yourself, and the way you talk and react in most conversations. Men love classy women, they are like gold. Simple gestures should be acquainted like a simple scratch of his back, a soft kiss on the cheek, but nothing too "clingy". That comes later. A woman who respects herself is also desired in so many ways. So treat yourself good, carry yourself with pride, and most of all do it with class!

4) Romance a Man by being positive and have fun. You should be open to any suggestions he has even if its not to your taste. Whether its a plan to go to a basketball game or even a comedy show, just do it. This has nothing to do with changing your personality for him. It should not matter on what event he invites you to, just as long as you get to spend time with him is all that matters. Never show signs that your uptight or negative this is a real turn off.

Finding a secure and stable relationship is a must for most Women. Get the man of your dreams and keep him forever with the proper knowledge on how to read a man's emotions and give him what he needs. Become the woman every man wants. Learn more about the psychology of a man's mind and how to make him fall in love with you at this site How to Romance a Man

(ArticlesBase SC #542740)

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/dating-articles/how-to-get-the-man-of-your-dreams-and-romance-your-way-into-his-heart-542740.html#ixzz17eyw7HvQ
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Are You Desirable?

Do you have attractive people asking you for dates, wanting to be near you, and pursuing your company? Are you known as someone who is desirable?

I have a client who moaned that no one ever asked her out. She said it was her age; her lack of choices in her small town; her less than Hollywood good looks. She had a lot of reasons. Unfortunately, those reasons did not make her feel good, nor bring her any closer to what she wanted in life.

We began to look at what she could do instead of what she could not; what was right about her instead of what was wrong; what her strengths were instead of what limitations existed.

We then began to explore what the word desirable really means. My client considered the following points:

* Take extreme care of yourself.

People are attracted to someone who indulges in extreme self care. This means to keep your doctor's and dentist's appointments, get to the gym, pay attention to your diet, get enough sleep, stay connected to the people you love, and do those activities that feed your spirit. It's hard to be desirable if you are missing any of these aspects.

* Give yourself more than you need.

If you want to operate from a strong personal foundation, you must have a reserve of energy, support systems, and financial resources. These qualities make you very desirable.

* Have a vision for your life.

Develop clarity around your vision for your life. How would you like to live, and what does that look like over the next year, five years, and ten years? Visualize your ideal life and then put a plan into action to make it come true. If you don't know how to do that, hire a mentor, coach, counselor or tutor. The key is to do something to move yourself forward toward your vision.

* Watch those external benchmarks.

Give up striving, pushing, commitments, and external benchmarks as indicators of your success. We don't need to become someone else--we need to become more of who we are and not neglect ourselves. We need the grace and wisdom to have goals and not be attached to the outcome.

* Be the best.

Living the life you admire, being someone you can be proud of is very attractive. Having expertise and developing a reputation for excellence make you desirable.

* Participating in your community.

Being an integral part of a strong community and improving the quality of life of those around you make you interesting and sought-after. You got to where you are today because others helped you. Identify five people you can help become happier and more successful and contribute to them in the ways you know how.

I am happy to say that my client now has many choices for dating.

Want to be more desirable? Adopt these practices and watch how you become more attractive--to everyone.

Visit http://www.tonjaweimer.com or http://www.singlesdatingtips.com for more tips, skills, and insight on dating, relationships, singles, and love. Subscribe to our F*ree Savvy Dating Newsletter from master single's coach, life coach, and syndicated columnist, Tonja Weimer. Copyright 2006, Tonja Weimer. (Please note source if reprinting this article.)

(ArticlesBase SC #477645)

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/dating-articles/are-you-desirable-477645.html#ixzz17eyReLoG
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Dating sites like WealthyMen.com, promise that their wealthy male members will meet hordes of only the most-beautiful women. But will you?

The underlying assumption, (actively promoted by the website's marketing materials), is that because only rich men are allowed to join, beautiful women will naturally be attracted to this dating site and will join up in large numbers. Since relatively few men will "qualify", while lots of women will be members, thus the men will be greatly outnumbered - making it much easier to meet lots of beautiful women, than with a "normal" online dating site.

The truth however, is quite different. For one thing, some members have reported being disappointed in the actual male-to-female ratio they found, after becoming a member. In fact, one female member said: ""I checked out this website, and unfortunately, while they claim to have 10 times more women then men on the website, it turns out to be UNTRUE! In fact, there are twice as many men as there are women!"

But if all the women on WealthyMen.com are Beautiful, then it doesn't matter how many of them there are - you will still meet lots of Gorgeous Girls, right? Not so fast, Casanova. You've got a bigger problem.

Think about it. These women are presumably signing up at this website (rather than one of the many other Dating Sites available), because they want to meet a man who is financially successful. Ok, so far.

But ALL the men on WealthyMen.com, are Guaranteed to be wealthy. In fact, the website boasts that it has "a one-of-a-kind income verification system where the income, pictures and professions are verified and confirmed". Which means YOU have NO advantage! Every one of your "competitors" is rich, just like you. And ALL the Beautiful Women members know it!

So rather than being a Dating Site where the men have their pick of beautiful women, in reality, it's the women who have their pick of wealthy guys! See the problem here? You could very well find the competition TOUGHER on this website, than any other Dating Site.

Now before you run off and join Desperate-Poverty-Dating-Site dot com, let me point out that a Rich Male Dating Site CAN work. But you have to know the Secrets - those insider tips that put you way ahead of the rest of the pack. You have to distinguish yourself from all the other guys on the website - so the best (and most beautiful) girls will pick YOU first!

First we need to define the problems, created by the unusual membership characteristics of WealthyMen.com:

#1: All the men on this kind of site are well-off financially. In other words, your bank account gives you NO advantage over your competition.

#2: All the girls assume that every male member on this kind of site, is only interested in how attractive a women is. In other words, all you want is sex. Nothing else.

#3: All the guys assume that every female member on this kind of site, is only interested in how rich a man is. In other words, all the girls want is money. Nothing else.

#4: All the men on this kind of site are professionals, management, business owners, or at least, very successful in their chosen field. In other words, your success gives you NO advantage over your competition.

As I said above, there ARE ways to move yourself to the "head of the class", and have the Beautiful Girls on these sites anxious to meet YOU first. Also, there are ways to separate the "gold-diggers" from the smart, fun and sexy women - that every guy wants to meet! (I lay out the details of how to do this, in the next article in this series - see below for the website where you can read that article.)

But for now, here are some details on the WealthyMen.com site itself:

-Male members must make over $100,000 per year

-Male members are verified using their "Wealthy Men Verification System"

-While it is free to sign up, usage of most services requires "upgrading" to a "Silver Membership" ($24.95 per month) or a "Gold Membership" ($34.95 per month)

-The site is International

-Current approximate membership: 20,000

-Age range: 18 and over

-Year established: 2002

In conclusion, merely joining WealthyMen.com will NOT get you any of the obvious advantages of this kind of website. There are Secrets to be learned first! Tactics and Techniques, which will place you First In Line, when every Beautiful Women decides who to meet first. And I will present a Full Plan to do exactly that (plus complete details on these Secret Techniques, including how to avoid the "gold-diggers" and find the Real Gems on WealthyMen.com), in my next article in this series at: http://jewishdating-service.blogspot.com/

(ArticlesBase SC #218548)

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/dating-articles/wealthymencom-will-joining-wealthymencom-get-you-lots-of-beautiful-women-218548.html#ixzz17ey1pz4t
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Living Together

Moving in with a partner and living together is something that people do not tend to think about. When things do not run smoothly it can cause problems in your relationship. Fixing things later can also raise questions from your partner. Here are some items that you need to think through

Your partner and you should think about money and how you are going to pay the bills. Who is going to be in charge of paying the bills? Will you both pay equal shares? Will you each pay from your own accounts or will you have a joint account that you both pay money into?

Although most people think that moving in together means sleeping in the same bed, this does not have to be the case. You can decide to sleep in the same bed as your partner or different beds. Different bedrooms could also be an option.

One partner will need more personal space than the other. Make sure that you both have somewhere to go to be alone and do not spend every waking moment together. Too much time together can give feelings of being smothered and overwhelmed. You do not have to watch TV together and you each need some activity that does not involve the other.

You will never realise the cleaning habits of your partner until you start to live together. Before you move in together, you need to be aware of who keeps things clean and who does not. Some agreement might need to be made to make sure that both your partner and you pulls their weight. An easy way to do thing is to agree on who does what jobs.

Living together demands more privacy and trust. Your partner needs to have the right to privacy without you feeling like you can not trust them. There will be some things that your partner does not want to share with you and you need to trust them that those things will not offend you if you found out.

When you move in, you will need to buy some furniture that is to both your partners and your liking. Also, you will need to agree on what will happen to these types of items if you did split apart later in the future.

(ArticlesBase SC #450364)

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/dating-articles/living-together-450364.html#ixzz17exXQhGC
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Does Your Ex-girlfriend Still Want You?

Your a guy who has just gone through a breakup and had your heart broken. The first thing that you really want to know is if she still loves you and is willing to let you back into her life. If you have been in a few relationships, you will know that girls have a way of saying one thing but meaning another. If you look at the following three signs, you will be a few steps closer to getting her back.

Before we get started you need to think about what may have gone wrong in the relationship and could have caused you and her to break up. You need to sort through all the issues that caused problems in your relationship. You may need to make an apology or two if you have done something wrong.

Sign number one: She still communicates with you

If you send her an email or ring her and she can not help but reply, you know that there is still something between you and her. When she does not answer your emails and does not answer when you ring, then you may have a bigger problem. If you can get a conversation going with her and she does not try to get rid of you, there is still a chance that you can win her back.

Sign number two: She is willing to meet up with you

When she agrees to meet up with you, it is a sign that there is quite a good chance of you and her getting back together. This means that she is not repulsed by you and still enjoys your company.

Even if she is starting to see or date someone else, a meeting with her show you that she is still willing to give you a chance. You need to make sure that you use this chance to prove yourself to her. You need her to leave feeling well romanced and that you still love her.

Sign number three: Flirting and the way she looks at you

If she still looks at you with a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye, you know that she still wants you back. Flirting with you on any level instantly means that she wants you back.

She may not say yes straight away, but if she shows these three signs you know that she still wants you.

(ArticlesBase SC #447363)

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/dating-articles/does-your-exgirlfriend-still-want-you-447363.html#ixzz17exDhmmS
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3 Tips to Improve Your Flirting

Everyone has to start somewhere and when it comes to flirting, some people are more natural at it than others. This does not mean that you can not learn it though. This article will take you through a few tips to improve your flirting.

The first thing that you have to remember when flirting it that you have to smile. A smile says so much when you are meeting someone. It instantly tells the other person what you think about them, if you are happy around them and if you are bored. When you start to flirt with someone, you need to make sure that you are smiling and look as if you are having a good time.

The second most important aspect of flirting is physical contact. Physical contact has the ability to make the target of your flirting more comfortable with you. It can also make you seem less shy and more decisive. Physical contact can range from holding hands, hugging, a small kiss on the cheek to anything more.

The last thing that you have to remember is to play around and have fun. Flirting is all about showing off and building a connection. Having fun is the best way to do this. Try to make them laugh.

These 3 tips should help you to improve your flirting and have more success with the ladies. Just remember that "Girls just want to have fun". Show them a good time and they will like you for it. You know when your flirting is going well when they initiate physical contact with you in a way that does not show anger or discontent.

(ArticlesBase SC #583120)

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/dating-articles/3-tips-to-improve-your-flirting-583120.html#ixzz17ewsQ4If
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What Keeps a Man Faithful

Many women wonder why their man or ex-man cheated on them, especially when they put their heart and soul into a relationship just to feel empty and alone in the end. It turn, it makes them ask that infamous question, “What keeps a man faithful?” To answer that question… a man keeps a man faithful.

A very good friend of mine was dating this guy and she was totally dedicated to this man. No matter what she decided, she put him and his feelings first; her life revolved around him. She was always considerate and treated him like a king. She gave her all and expected the same in return. In the end, she got nothing in return but a broken heart and a massive headache. Not only did he cheat on her with another woman, he cheated on her with several different women. She called me on the phone and asked “why?” “Why can’t men be faithful?” “What can I do to keep a man faithful? What am I doing wrong?” The biggest mistake a woman can make is to blame herself when her man goes astray.

Physiologically, she starts to feel that it was her fault and thinks of things that she feel she could’ve done differently. Now, she just justified and accepted the error in his ways. To put it bluntly, no matter how good a woman is to a man, no matter how well she takes care of a man, a man is still going to do what a man is going to do.

Only a man can keep a man faithful, not a woman and her ways. A man must posses certain traits to be faithful. But, before he can ever be concerned with these traits, he must respect a woman and then respect himself. A man must have integrity, loyalty, and courage. Not only must he posses these traits, but he must also apply these traits as well.

A man with integrity is a truthful man. First, he knows he must be truthful to himself before he can be truthful to anyone else. He will be truthful in ways of relationships and he knows what he wants out of a relationship and what he’s willing to give. If a man is unsure, one should allow him his space so he can seek integrity and learn truth.

A man with loyalty is a man who is faithful. He will stick by his woman’s side through thick and thin; he is committed to the relationship until end. He will never forsake her in any way. No matter how bad it gets, he will never go astray. If a man is without loyalty, one should allow him his space so he can become faithful and develop loyalty.

Most importantly, a man with courage is a man who has it all. Courage takes a male from boyhood to manhood and gives him manliness. A man with courage will apply these traits as well as others in order to make a relationship work. A man without courage is not a man; he is a boy waiting to become a man. One should allow him his space and let him grow and become a man.

Some men just don’t posses these traits. Not to say they never will. They will when and if they want. The same goes for a man who has these traits and more but don’t apply them. When a man posses and apply all of these traits to a relationship, only then will he become faithful. Bottom line… only a man can keep a man faithful.

(ArticlesBase SC #619233)

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/dating-articles/what-keeps-a-man-faithful-619233.html#ixzz17ewYN76E
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Why Women Never Call You After a Date

Have you ever wondered why a woman never texts or calls you after you have been out on a date together?

I bet you start to think she hasn't had a good time, she doesn't like you, you are not good enough for her or she finds your company boring or not exciting enough.

Probably all of that.

I could start to tell you that one bad date won't affect the way she feels about you or how attracted she is to you, but I'd be lying. Especially if this is the first date you have with your new woman, it could all be over before it even really started.

A woman will make up her mind about you in a flash. Not intentionally, but sub-consciously! And not only women do that, men do it as well.

I mean, you made your mind up about her instantly. You decided that within just a few minutes or even seconds of seeing or talking to her that you felt sexually attracted to her.

So unless you made a good impression to start with she wont be interested in you.

Now what about the moments leading up to the date? Did you decide where to go or did you ASK HER?

Let me guess, you acted like the perfect gentleman and told her that she could decide … just to be polite, nice and respectful?

Oh dude, you have so much to learn about women, she was probably dreading the date from that moment on. She was attracted to you in the beginning, that's why she agreed to go on a date with you … but you just KILLED all the attraction within a second.

When you ASK a woman something like this, she will get annoyed at you. Why? Because you are not different from all the other guys she has dated in the past.

So after that false start, where did you go?



Great, you are well on the way to becoming your towns most unattractive, unoriginal and most boring date. Listen, every guy takes a woman out to a nice restaurant or to the cinema. Did she sleep and eventually go out with all those guys? I wouldn't bet on it, so what makes you think you will have a chance if you do EXACTLY the same?

Think man, think: you have to be DIFFERENT!

Look, I will even admit that when you have been going out for maybe 3 months or so, taking your partner out to dinner isn't a bad idea, but for crying out lout don't do it on the first couple of dates.

Going to the cinema is pretty similar. Again, you hit a big cliche and what are you going to do? You can't talk through the movie and don't even think about pulling that lame arm over the shoulder trick. This isn't Hollywood, this is the 21st century … and yes it is just lame. (If you want to wrap your arm around her effectively, just do it by saying "c'mere…")

Oh, and another thing: Did you ask to kiss her?

If you did, then I should bitchslap your butt right where it came from. NEVER ask, just do it. Women don't like it if you put the big decisions into their hands. You are the man, and YOU have to lead and take charge of situations so the woman can follow.

So next time, take her window shopping where you can tease her all day long or go roller blading in the park. If you still don't know how to effectively kiss a woman, just stop talking, move your hand towards her neck and if she smiles and gets those shiny eyes…you can lean in and kiss her gently.

But if you delivered just another stereotypical date like every other guy, you will share the same destiny like all the other men she has dated: "You're a very nice guy and I had a great time, but let's just be friends"

To sum this up real quick: Why do women never call you after a date? Why should they … you were just like every other guy she has dated in the past: nothing else but boring. Why would any woman want to see you again?

Think about it!

(ArticlesBase SC #68876)

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/dating-articles/why-women-never-call-you-after-a-date-68876.html#ixzz17ew7w74l
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Online Dating Horoscope

Have a date this Saturday? Better check if Fate is on your side, with a quick look at your online dating horoscope.

There are different kinds of horoscopes. The Western Zodiac (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc.) is based on your birthday. The Chinese Zodiac (Snake, Dragon, Horse, etc.) is based on your birth year. There is also numerology, which gives a number equivalent to the letters of your name, and the date, place and hour of your birth. You can also get online tarot card readings and rune readings.

Depending on how detailed your horoscope is, you can find out about your personal fortune or your compatibility with your date. A personal fortune just looks at the kind of "universal forces" you need to consider during any particular time. For example, some days you'll have a higher tendency to get into conflicts, while there are other days when everything just effortlessly falls into place. This doesn't mean you're predestined to fight by dinnertime. It just reminds you to watch out and be more conscious—sort of like the weatherman predicting rain, and saying you might as well bring an umbrella.

You can also find compatibility charts. Let's say you were born in the Year of the Dragon: can you get along with someone born in the year of the Rabbit? In Ancient China, no marriage was allowed if their horoscopes weren't "auspiciously aligned". Even if you choose to take their advice with a grain of salt, it doesn't hurt (and it's even kind of fun) to check.

Some online dating horoscopes are free. Others give a free trial, then offer more personalized or detailed charts for a small fee. It depends on what you're looking for. Some will actually go so far as to tell you which days are best for seeing people, which days you should stay in and watch reruns, what kind of lucky charms you may need to bring with you. Others give very general advice, like "It's a good month for meeting new people."

Other dating horoscopes don't focus on making predictions, but are tools for self-awareness and reflection. This is especially true for tarot or rune readings. Many of these sites believe that what the "cards" (or any other tool) tell you isn't the future, but the things going on in your life right now that may need addressing. Their philosophy is that your thoughts or emotions attract certain kinds of situations, and when you ask for a horoscope you're taking a kind of "spiritual check up" so you can correct whatever's blocking true love.

Whether you choose to get a general reading or a detailed chart, a year's predictions or a chance to reflect and assess where you are right now, online horoscopes can be an important tool for dating.

(ArticlesBase SC #20628)

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/dating-articles/online-dating-horoscope-20628.html#ixzz17evZf18Y
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Introducing Lonely Soul: a New Dating Site

I would like to introduce you the new international dating site Lonely Soul, where I work as promoter. I personally know the creators of the site, they are a young married couple; they are probably one of the first couples who've met each other through internet, 8 years ago. Their history is very romantic, as they fell in love suddenly and they decided to get married after a few months, even if they were living in different countries. It happened in year 2000, and now they've created a wonderful family.

A year ago they decided to create their own dating site, hoping it will help other people to meet their twin soul through it.

The site is written in 4 languages: English, Russian, German and Italian. It has powerful, innovative and multi-level anti-spam and anti-scam filters, and a lot of interesting features: profile ranking, ideal wife or husband search, search people who speak your language

A lot of men and women are subscribing from all over the world: Russia, Ukraine, Kazahstan, Belarus, Latvia, Thailand, Philippines, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Switzerland...

The site is FREE FOREVER for all the women! And there's a special offer for the men too: it will be free forever for all men who will subscribe before November.

If you need more information you can access the site and read the sections relative to Site Rules and F.A.Q. You can also contact directly the Support Team that will answer to all your questions.

Useful information FOR MEN
Useful information FOR WOMEN

Remember: The site is free!

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/dating-articles/introducing-lonely-soul-a-new-dating-site-409860.html#ixzz17evAo2bF
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Is Turning Your Closest Friend Into A Lover Worth Risking The Friendship? Find Out My Story

Do you have that friend of the opposite sex you cant keep your eyes off of? How about someone that you have known for years and you have always had that secret crush on? I can relate to how you feel. And what is terrible is if you manage to gather the courage and tell them about how you feel you can seriously risk destroying your friendship with that other person.

I had a friend that I have known since kindergarden and I have always kept her in my life and through the years we have became very close friends. I am 28 now so you can imagine that 23 years of friendship is a very long time. After we approached our mid 20's I started noticing special things about her. Like the way she smiles,laughs,the way she stares into my eyes. It all started adding up and I started to have feelings for this girl.

I knew it was wrong and tried to fight it but I couldnt help myself. I knew that if I said anything that I risk over 23 years of friendship and losing one of my closest friends. Was it worth the risk? Was it worth throwing it all away in hopes that she feels the same way? What if she felt the same way but for some reason it works for only a few months and we cant go back to being friends? All this just ate at me daily and I felt literally lost.

I searched online alot and found out a few ways on how to Turn Friends Into Lovers. The info I learned really had me floored. At this point I knew I could do this and I wasnt afraid of what was going to happen. I put my plan into action and decided I had to go through with it or deal with feeling like this until she gets married. After a short time she started to warm up and one night out of the blue she gave me the most incredible kiss I have ever fealt in my life. It was like having christmas back to back for 10 years straight. Not only did my tactics work but she is totally head over heals for me. Turning Friends Into Lovers can be worth it as long as you know what your doing.

(ArticlesBase SC #3477731)

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/dating-articles/friends-into-lovers-review-is-turning-your-closest-friend-into-a-lover-worth-risking-the-friendship-find-out-my-story-3477731.html#ixzz17eucCWiU
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Bad Breath and Dating

If you have the looks, and the personality, and say all the right things, but still can't get the girl you want, it may be because she finds you so disgusting on such a fundamental level that her brain actually thinks you're a threat to her life!

Yes, really! Does that shock you? No doubt you're a very nice person, so it probably does but, if you have bad breath, it may well be true. She might even think you're extremely handsome, but an ancient brain system, originally designed to identify rotten food, literally FORCED her to reject you! The moment it detected your bad breath, the decision not to have anything to do with you was made, probably without her even realizing it.

You see, bad breath contains a number of extremely smelly chemical compounds, including hydrogen sulfide, which smells like rotten eggs. It also contains methyl mercaptan and skatole, which smell like feces, as well as cadaverine, which smells like corpses, and putrescine, which smells like rotten meat!

All of these smells have something in common: they evoke disgust, an extreme emotion designed to protect us from things that are unclean, inedible, or infectious. When we feel disgust, our brain tenses muscles in our face called the levator labii. This produces the facial characteristics everybody recognizes as disgust (i.e. a scrunched nose and raised upper lip), which prevents foul odors or stray particles (from whatever caused the disgust) from entering the nose and mouth. Additionally, the brain creates an overwhelming urge to recoil or turn away from the source of disgust in an effort to further isolate the body from any possible contamination.

If you have bad breath, that reaction probably sounds familiar! That's why people turn away... step back... or cover their nose and mouth when you're near them. They can't help it; it doesn't matter if they think you're the greatest person they ever met because, once their brain detects any of these smells, it recognizes them as a potential source of infection and literally FORCES their body to automatically recoil in disgust. In other words: Their brain recognizes your bad breath as a DANGEROUS THREAT to their health and well-being!

So, while you're standing there in the club talking to her, or strutting your stuff, her brain is screaming at her that you are a source of possible harm and to get away from you as quickly as possible. Even if she's not consciously aware of it, the feeling of unease it causes gets transferred onto you, and you can bet it's going to greatly influence her decision. The end result is still the same though: you go home alone...again!

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/dating-articles/bad-breath-dating-1569861.html#ixzz17euEuoKM
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Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

M3 Relationship System by Michael Griswold

I didn't know what to think once I stumbled upon his site by accident. I had some trouble with my girlfriend and that was the reason I was searching for relationship advice, but we were not totally broken up. M3 system looked like something for couples who have already broke up, but I watched the video that was supplied on page and got very interested in it – you can see the video here http://shmyl.com/tgxhton/

Once I watched the video 3 times I decided to purchase Michel's product. It was quite pricy (the system that includes all bonuses) so I did my homework before getting it. Turns out Michael is in fact a relationship coach and has had a ton of on hand experience with couples. That was a real selling point for me cause there are a lot of self proclaim "experts" selling noting but fluff info.

Once I got into it I spend a lot of time studying the materials there is a lot of info. This might be a downside for you if you don't have the time to go through it. Also one thing that I loved is a fact that you actually get 3 different types of materials – audio, video and eBooks. I'm a visual learner my self so it helped a lot.

The advice it self is really great, it is totally against manipulating your partner (or ex) and helps you reestablish your relationship instead of get you and your ex back together with usage of emotional hot buttons. I really liked this because I don't want to lie to my girlfriend or "make" her do anything she doesn't want to do.

I got to say, me and my girlfriend are better then ever and this course/system did really help us a lot.

(ArticlesBase SC #3779913)

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/dating-articles/m3-relationship-system-by-michael-griswold-3779913.html#ixzz17etiCuKW
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How To Be A Good Boyfriend

A man can easily learn how to be a good boyfriend. All it takes is a little bit of practice and determination to do it. Willingness is the key for any man to learn how to be a good boyfriend. Unfortunately not all men are willing to study and do what it takes to be a good boyfriend.

Most men foolishly adopt a ‘love me or leave me' attitude wherein they are too stubborn to admit their shortcomings. These are usually the type of men that bank on the frailty of most women, the kind of women who would rather die than be left alone without a man.

However, men of this character must be living in the dark ages, as many women today would not tolerate this type of behavior. The modern woman of today is more discerning. Any man who would want to be in a relationship with her would certainly have to brush up on how to be a good boyfriend in order to keep her interested.

Fortunately there are still a lot of men who believe in giving their best in a relationship. These men take the initiative in learning how to be a good boyfriend to their significant other. And in the end reap the rewards of their labor with a loving and satisfying relationship.

Learning How to be a Good Boyfriend

Learning how to be a good boyfriend has a lot of advantages not just for women but also for men. A man that makes an effort to learn how to be a good boyfriend can look forward to a better and stronger relationship with their partner. An appreciative girlfriend will most likely shower her man with more love and affection than before. In addition, there will probably be less nagging that will surely be a welcome respite for any man.

However if a man still experiences the same type of treatment even after learning how to be a good boyfriend then there is something wrong. It would be a good idea to assess the relationship at this point. Perhaps the man is not to blame and the fault lies elsewhere.

Keep in mind that there are some women in the world that cannot be content unless they are nagging or criticizing something. At this point, a man may want to think if the relationship is still worth pursuing or if it would be time to move on and probably find someone who would appreciate them better.

A Guide on How to be a Good Boyfriend

A good boyfriend knows how to keep his girlfriend happy. Satisfying a woman is a comprehensive plan that does not only involve the sexual aspect of a relationship. A good way to do so is to make her feel special by complimenting her on how well she looks.

Women do their best to look pretty for their man and a little flattering remark goes a long way to show her that her efforts are appreciated. It is also a good idea for a man to evaluate his own physical appearance. As a woman takes the time to look good for her man therefore a man should also look good for his woman.

To show respect for her and her family is a trait of a good boyfriend that every man should adopt. A well-mannered man is polite and nice to his girlfriend's family. Women are particularly appreciative of a man that accepts and loves her family. Communication is a vital part of every relationship. Women cherish a man who listens and pays attention to what they have to say.

There are no hard and fast rules on how to be a good boyfriend. And learning how to be a good boyfriend is not easy. The enthusiasm to learn must be present. It is also important to be comfortable and at ease with oneself when undertaking such an education.

Being true to oneself is an important part of the learning process. A man forced into learning how to be a good boyfriend can develop negative emotions that would not be healthy for the individual and for the relationship. If a man were not interested in learning then he would only be fooling himself and his partner.

(ArticlesBase SC #15421)

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/dating-articles/how-to-be-a-good-boyfriend-15421.html#ixzz17etNLrT6
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Gay Dating Tips

Whether you are gay, bisexual or bi-curious, planning the first date is always intimidating. What to wear? What not to wear? Where will you go? Should you be yourself ? What should you say? Well we’ve gone out of our way to get the low down on how to make sure the first date doesn’t become the only date and compilied our top tips for gay dating.

Where to meet? Meet in a place that is neutral, and relatively close to home, somewhere with atmosphere but also somewhere you’ll be able to hear each other speak. Remember Location, location, location.

It’s all about you…both!! By sharing the conversation you are showing, not only that you can give a little and take a little, but that you are confident and we all know confident equals sexy!

Don’t bring up the ex!! Just don’t go there- it’s like opening a can of worms. One which once opened cannot be closed, don’t allow yourself to bond with someone over negative experiences- it’s not a good start to what could be dazzling evening.

Unless you are purely interested in having sex with this person, don’t jump on them and start humping their leg the first opportunity you get. Remember easy cum, easy go! For sex advice visit http://www.thetextperts.co.uk/sex_advice.html.

Be Honest. If you like the person let them know, similarly if you don’t like them don’t waste their time. In the same breath don’t play games- they don’t work. Of course little flirty teases don’t do any harm but remember the golden rule of successful gay dating….R.E.S.P.E.C.T

Follow these simple rules, and remember to keep it casual and confident and you’re all set for a fun filled evening of fireworks, sit back and watch the sparks fly!

(ArticlesBase SC #264422)

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/dating-articles/gay-dating-tips-264422.html#ixzz17et6qi5e
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